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This is a guided to give Bondassage® OR Elysium® Immersive Training Session of Sublime Sensual Surrender for personal use.  Note: Model (male or female) is supplied.


Dive into the adventurous empowering education where you will learn and be guided on how to give the elements of Bondassage® or Elysium® to your live demo model with passion, power, purpose and playfulness.


A great way to enhance your skills as a lover or surprise that special someone or help keep any relationship fresh and vibrant as your lover begs for more. 


Please Note: Your investment in your learnng includes tax.

Guided to Give Bondassage® or Elysium® Training

  • Learn to give Bondassage® OR Elysium® sublime sensual surrender in this 3hr training session. Model (male or female) is supplied.

    Dive into the adventurous empowering education where you will learn how to give the elements of Bondassage or Elysium to your live demo model with passion, power, purpose and playfulness.


    A great way to enhance your skills as a lover or surprise that special someone or help keep any relationship fresh and vibrant as your lover begs for more. 

  • Always within your boundaries of safety, consent, comfort with respect, honour, and trust with YOURSELF first, then life and then others.

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